Amputation Injuries

Suffered an Amputation Injury? Our Firm Can Help

Amputation is the loss or removal of a body part, either through trauma or surgery. Amputation can be one of the most traumatic outcomes of a catastrophic accident, radically altering an individual’s independence, mobility, and wellbeing. 

In many cases, it is the nature of the accident that leads to an amputation being required, rather than the accident itself. For instance, if a motorcyclist’s leg is pinned between the motorcycle and the ground preventing emergency services from rescuing them, or if an extremity is crushed beyond repair.

If you have been involved in an accident where you suffered an amputation injury, the cost to you and your family may be a significant burden to bear.

Contact one of our experienced Los Angeles amputation injury attorneys to find out how we may be able to help you with your case or contact our firm to schedule a no-cost consultation.

(323) 653-6311

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The Psychological Impact of Amputation

There are many psychological factors to consider with amputation following a crash. Grief is very common in response to the loss of a body part. Mood disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common among people who have to now face life after losing a limb. Body image also plays a major role in impacting a person’s psychological well-being following amputation.

Amputation Case Focus:

Ekbatani v. State of California (2017)

Left below the knee amputation
It was severed at the seams. I don’t have much recollection of it, but I remember waking up in a hospital bed and being told that my leg had been amputated.
Amir Ekbatani

Amir Ekbatani was travelling north on PCH when the taxi driver made the left turn onto Diamond St. in front of him. This particular intersection was notoriously dangerous, and by the time the taxi driver noticed Amir, it was already too late.

The front left bumper of the oncoming vehicle caught Amir’s leg, throwing him from his motorcycle. He suffered severe trauma that almost proved fatal.

Amir went through a total of 14 surgeries between 2012 and 2016. These included procedures to save his left femur, to formalise and revise the amputation below his left knee, bone grafts, osteotomies, and surgical excisions to correct for skin eruptions around the back of his knee.

After a trial that lasted 6 weeks, a jury made the decision to award a figure of $35 million in damages for Amir: a figure over 3 times the amount of $9,778,471 calculated for his net lost earning capacity plus future life care plan expenses.

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Factors Impacting the Need for Amputation

The Motorcycle Legal Foundation lists four situations in which an amputation may be necessary:

  1. Accident phase – where an extremity is severed during the impact itself

  2. Recovery phase – where the extremity has to be amputated in order to get the individual free of entrapment, and there is not enough time to dismantle the machinery that is trapping them (for example, if the vehicle is on fire)

  3. Irreparable damage – where an extremity is so badly damaged that it cannot be healed through medical intervention

  4. Complications – where the extremity poses a risk to the patient, such as gangrene

In some cases, reattachment of a completely severed body part may be possible. Factors affecting the success of reattachment include:

  • The area of the body affected

  • The degree of damage 

  • Whether there is any nerve damage

  • How long the affected body part has been without circulation

  • The amount of contamination

Complications Following Amputation

Following amputation, individuals may experience a range of complications that can significantly impact their wellbeing:

Edema – swelling at the site of the amputation, known as stump edema. Not only can stump edema be painful, it can also impact the fitting of prosthetic limbs.

Infections – surgical site infections are a common occurrence following amputation, and can lead to complications such as ischemia (reduced blood flow), necrosis (dead tissue), blisters and inflammation of the bone.

Post-Amputation Pain – pain felt in the actual site of the wound; that is, the acute pain felt in the residual limb as a direct result of amputation procedure.

Residual Limb Pain – chronic pain felt in areas adjacent to the amputated body part. Also known as stump pain, residual limb pain can last beyond healing, and is typically experienced as a throbbing, burning or stabbing sensation.

Phantom Limb Pain – pain felt in the body part that is no longer attached. Phantom limb pain is a neuropathic pain that is still not fully understood, but is believed to involve real sensations originating from the spinal cord and brain. This is not to be confused with phantom limb sensation, which is the feeling that the missing body part is still there, but does not cause any pain. 

Joint Instability, Muscle Weakness & Contractures – secondary complications resulting from remaining body parts having to compensate for the missing extremity, which can lead to stiffness, spasm or pain. Range of motion exercises are necessary to prevent contractures (permanent shortening of muscles or joints), as is rehabilitation designed to prevent loss of muscle mass.

Amputation poses a number of unique challenges that dramatically alter a person’s life and livelihood. Adjusting to life following amputation is a long and arduous process, a process that can quickly become extremely costly.  

If you are worried about being able to pay for the treatment of your or your loved one’s amputation injury in the aftermath of an accident, you should speak to an amputation injury lawyer who can get you the maximum compensation you may be owed. 

Let Our Firm Fight for Your Rights and Your Future

We offer a sound, team-oriented approach when handling personal injury cases involving traumatic brain injuries. Not only can our attorneys aggressively advocate for you in settlement or trial, but they can also guide you through the entire process with compassion and empathy. We understand the difficult situation you are in and it’s our goal to help you recover the fair compensation you are owed.

With more than 40 years of combined experience, our Los Angeles amputation injury attorneys are focused on recovering the maximum compensation on your behalf, whether through settlement or at trial. We understand that amputations can have a profound impact on somebody’s life. We handle every aspect of your claim from start to finish so you can focus on getting the treatment you need.

Our firm offers exceptional talent, abundant resources, tireless dedication, and years of experience to give you the best chance of success in obtaining maximum compensation. Led by our award-winning attorneys, Garo Mardirossian and Armen Akaragian, we are prepared to provide you with aggressive representation and personalized legal guidance you need.

Talk to a Los Angeles amputation injury lawyer about your case or contact our firm to schedule a no-cost consultation.

(323) 653-6311

Schedule Your Free Amputation Injury Case Evaluation

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Armen Akaragian | Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney



Admitted to practice in 2006, Armen has arbitrated, tried, and settled several cases which have resulted in multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements.

Sources cited in this article:

  1. Amputation – Johns Hopkins Medicine

  2. Practical coping strategies to help amputees and their families – Limbs 4 life

  3. Emotional and Psychological Reactions to Amputation – Physiopedia

  4. Motorcycle Accidents Resulting in Amputation – Motorcycle Legal Foundation

  5. Tramautic AmputationsEMS World

  6. Complications Post Amputation – Physiopedia

  7. Residual limb pain – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic


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