Major Cases

Over 40 Years of Fighting For Justice

Our Los Angeles injury attorneys have spent literal decades fighting for justice. Many of the cases we have taken on have received widespread public attention, both in the United States and internationally. But our representation doesn’t require the cameras to be rolling: whether you come to us with a future personal injury issue, a landmark civil rights case, or a dispute, we are here to help you.

Contact our internationally-recognized Los Angeles personal injury firm to schedule a no-cost consultation.

Major Case Focus:
Mendoza v. County of Los Angeles

In brief: Wrongful death of an innocent man caused by police shooting

On August 1, 2014, Frank Mendoza Sr. and his family were going about their evening when an armed criminal broke into their home while on the run from the police. Frank was shot and killed on his own porch by one of the sheriff’s deputies while attempting to flee to safety. The officer was cleared of any wrongdoing, having been found by a court of law to have been “justified in using deadly force in the defense of others.”

It was then that Garo and Armen stepped in, recovering a multimillion dollar settlement for Frank’s family.

Total Payout:


Read About the Full Case Here

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Landmark Cases

Mendoza v. County of Los Angeles (2018)

Mendoza v. County of Los Angeles (2018)


In 2018, a known gang member broke into the home of the Mendoza family whilst on the run from the police. Deputies at the scene failed to evacuate the family despite entering the property, instead leaving them to fend for themselves.

When Frank Mendoza made an attempt to flee for his life, he was shot dead by one of the deputies who mistook him for the gang member, despite the two men looking nothing like one another.

Doe v COLA (2019)

Doe v. County of Los Angeles (2019)


John Doe and his friend were enjoying a walk when they heard sirens approaching from behind. A patrol vehicle had clipped another car, careening out of control and smashing into the two men. They were rushed to hospital.

Ekbatani v State of California (2017)

Ekbatani v. State of California (2017)


Amir Ekbatani was travelling along the Pacific Coast Highway when a taxi driver failed to yield at an intersection and collided with him. Amir was thrown from his motorcycle, causing catastrophic injuries.

Smith v MV Transortation, Inc (2022)

Smith v. MV Transportation, Inc (2022)


In the early evening of May 5th, 2017, thirteen-year-old Ciara Smith was riding bikes with a friend on their way home from a ride down to the beach. Both girls rode off the curb and entered the intersection just as the bus passed them on their left side. Ciara collided with the side of the oncoming bus, and was later pronounced dead at the scene.

Pannu v Land Rover (2011)

Pannu v. Land Rover (2011)


Sukhsagar Pannu was travelling on the freeway, when another vehicle hit him, causing his car to flip. Sukhsagar suffered catastrophic injuries to his spinal cord, rendering him paralyzed and radically altering his life and livelihood forever.

Uno v. Toyota (2013)

Uno v. Toyota (2013)


Noriko Uno was travelling along Euclid Avenue when another driver ran a stop sign and hit her car. She was spun 180 degrees before the car took off into oncoming traffic, rapidly accelerating up to speeds of 100 mph.

Zerby v City Of Long Beach (2016)

Zerby v. City Of Long Beach (2016)


Douglas Zerby was sitting outside of his friend’s residence holding the spray nozzle of a garden hose. A neighbor called the police to incorrectly report that Doug had a gun. After observing Doug for eight minutes without ever making their presence known to him, two of the officers shot and killed Doug.

Thomas v Fullerton (2015)

Thomas v. Fullerton PD (2015)


Kelly Thomas was savagely beaten by 6 police officers. Kelly was homeless at the time, had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, and was unarmed. Five days later, his family made the harrowing decision to switch off his life support.

Upcoming Reviews

Dole v County of Los Angeles (1990)

Dole v. County of Los Angeles (1990)


Mendoza v County of Los Angeles (2014)

Zerby v. City of Long Beach (2016)


Contact Mardirossian Akaragian LLP Today

Our firm offers exceptional talent, abundant resources, tireless dedication, and years of experience to give you the best chance of success in obtaining maximum compensation. Led by our award-winning attorneys, Garo Mardirossian and Armen Akaragian, we are prepared to provide you with aggressive representation and personalized legal guidance you need.

Talk to a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer about your case or contact our firm to schedule a no-cost consultation.

(323) 653-6311

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