Los Angeles Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

Suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury? Our Firm Can Help

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is any injury that causes disruption to the normal functioning of the brain. These types of injuries can be caused by blows to the head (such as in a motorcycle or car accident), impact with another object, such as a hard surface (such as in a pedestrian accident), or when an object damages brain tissue by directly penetrating the skull.

Traumatic brain injuries are among some of the most severe forms of catastrophic injury, often having devastating, life-changing consequences for those who experience them. According to the American Association of Neurosurgeons, the annual cost caused by TBI’s is $76.5 billion and 34% of all traumatic deaths are from head injuries.

If you have been involved in an accident where you suffered a brain injury, the cost to you and your family may be a significant burden to bear.

Contact one of our experienced Los Angeles traumatic brain injury attorneys to find out how we may be able to help you with your case or contact our firm to schedule a no-cost consultation.

(323) 653-6311

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Major Types of Traumatic Brain Injury

Closed Head InjuryInjuries that do not involve a break in the skull, caused by a shaking of the brain inside the cranium, resulting in bruising and tearing of brain tissue.  

Penetrating Brain Injury – Injuries that involve a break in the skull, for instance when an object enters the skull bone and damages the brain.

Major Types of Traumatic Brain Injury

On October 15, 2015, John Doe and his friend were enjoying a walk down Santa Monica Boulevard when they heard sirens approaching from behind. A patrol vehicle had clipped another car in a failed passing attempt, careening out of control and smashing into the two men.

John was rushed to a nearby emergency medical center. The extent of his injuries were alarming. He suffered severe head trauma, including multiple subarachnoid hemorrhages, in addition to broken limbs and broken leg.

The long-term implications of a head injury can result in a difficult future. As explained by forensic neuropathologist and professor of medicine, Dr Bennet Omalu:

“Brain trauma damages your intellectual capacity, period. You lose your ability to think. and to engage in complex thinking. At some point over the years, intelligence levels may decompensate to the level of a child…In addition to the the permanent injury…the quality of life is permanently undermined, and there is a very high risk of dying young.”

We reached a settlement of $42.2 million: the highest settlement in history for a single plaintiff against Los Angeles County. This figure is almost double that which was estimated as the out of pocket loss by a forensic economist, based on estimate loss of earnings and cost of medical treatment.


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Complications that Can Arise from Traumatic Brain Injuries

There are a wide range of complications that often arise from a traumatic brain injury: 

Hematoma – blood clots within the brain or on the surface of the brain

Contusion – bruising of brain tissue 

Intracerebral Hemorrhagebleeding within the brain tissue 

Subarachnoid Hemorrhagebleeding into the subarachnoid space 

Diffuse Injuries scattered changes throughout the brain

Diffuse Axonal Injurydamage to the nerve cells within the brain, which can lead to disabilities depending on the damage done to the region of the brain. May also result in coma

Ischemiainsufficient blood flow to a given region of the brain

Skull Fracturesbreaks or cracks in the skull

The symptoms of traumatic brain injury can vary from mild to catastrophically life-altering, and many people who have suffered severe brain injury require costly lifelong rehabilitation. It is crucial you speak to a traumatic brain injury lawyer who can advise you on the options for you or your loved one to handle the considerable financial burden that can be caused by a TBI. 

Common Impairments Brought On By Traumatic Brain Injury

Here are some of the major impairments that brain injuries can bring about:

  • Functional deficits, that impair the ability to do activities of daily living, such as eating and bathing, or the ability to operate machinery, including driving 

  • Cognitive (thought-related) deficits, such as confusion and memory problems

  • Social and interpersonal impairments

  • Sensory deficits, such as vision or hearing

  • Regulatory disruptions, such as dizziness and fatigue

  • Problems with language and communication

  • Motor deficits, such as paralysis and movement problems

  • Emotional or personality changes, including mood disorders such as anxiety and depression 

  • Traumatic Epilepsy 

Many people who suffer a traumatic brain injury experience a constellation of these symptoms, which can have a dramatic impact on their ability to live and work independently. 

If you are worried about being able to pay for the treatment of your or your loved one’s traumatic brain injury in the aftermath of an accident, you should speak to a traumatic brain injury lawyer who can get you the maximum compensation you may be owed. 

Let Our Firm Fight for Your Rights and Your Future

We offer a sound, team-oriented approach when handling personal injury cases involving traumatic brain injuries. Not only can our attorneys aggressively advocate for you in settlement or trial, but they can also guide you through the entire process with compassion and empathy. We understand the difficult situation you are in and it’s our goal to help you recover the fair compensation you are owed.

With more than 40 years of combined experience, our Los Angeles traumatic brain injury attorneys are focused on recovering the maximum compensation on your behalf, whether through settlement or at trial. We understand that brain injuries can cause immeasurable damage. We handle every aspect of your claim from start to finish so you can focus on getting the treatment you need.

Our firm offers exceptional talent, abundant resources, tireless dedication, and years of experience to give you the best chance of success in obtaining maximum compensation. Led by our award-winning attorneys, Garo Mardirossian and Armen Akaragian, we are prepared to provide you with aggressive representation and personalized legal guidance you need.

Talk to a Los Angeles traumatic brain injury lawyer about your case or contact our firm to schedule a no-cost consultation.

(323) 653-6311


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Armen Akaragian | Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney



Admitted to practice in 2006, Armen has arbitrated, tried, and settled several cases which have resulted in multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements.

Sources cited in this article:

  1. Traumatic Brain Injury / Concussion | Concussion | Traumatic Brain InjuryCDC Injury Center

  2. Traumatic Brain Injury – Causes, Symptoms and TreatmentsAmerican Association of Neurological Surgeons

  3. Traumatic Brain InjuryJohns Hopkins Medicine

  4. Penetrating Brain InjuryWinchester Hospital


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