Doe V. County Of Los Angeles (2019) – Focus Highlight 1

“In the case of Doe versus the County of Los Angeles. The plaintiff and a friend were walking peacefully down Sunset Blvd, when they heard sirens approaching behind them.”

“A patrol car driven by a Sheriff’s deputy along with the passenger next to him. And it was a response that he didn’t need to take because there were other vehicles, other patrol vehicles, much closer than his. But he was sort of a cowboy. And he decided to respond to this with lights and sirens, at a high rate of speed.”

“The police car clipped another vehicle, lost control, and careened off the road, smashing into the plaintiff and his friend before eventually slamming into a tree. These were tests conducted for this case to demonstrate handling characteristics and speed of the out-of-control patrol car.”

“The impact from the patrol vehicle propelled John Doe into the air about 70 feet in front of them and sending them falling hard onto the ground. Both sustained serious injuries and were unconscious. The deputy knowingly broke department policy, when he chose to pass a vehicle to the right, which was trying to lawfully yield to the Sheriff’s deputy’s lights, and sirens. The firm fought hard to prove the irreversible damage to his brain and the effects it would have on his work and life moving forward.”


John Doe and his family never thought they'd need the services of our law firm. But when disaster struck, they were reassured knowing that we were on their side. If the unthinkable happens to you or a loved one, you don't want to delay justice.
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