Pannu V. Land Rover (2011) — Focus Highlight 1

“We handle really major catastrophic incidents, whether it be a civil rights violation due to police brutality, or a serious injury due to a failure of a defectively designed product or defectively manufactured product.”

“We step in, and we step in with full force. And we bring consistency to all our cases, consistency in the vigor that we get into a case, and the vigor in which we execute what it is we have to do to make sure that we win for our clients.”

“I’m going to tell you about a case we handled not too many years ago, a special case involving a gentleman named Sukh Pannu.”

“He was a very successful businessman. He operated several 7-Elevens and Subways. He was a family man. He and I are very much similar in many ways in that we’re both immigrants, were both 47 years old at the same time. We’re both the same height, same weight, married with three children. We got close enough where soon after I met him, I had him over to my home where my mom cooked a very large Armenian meal for him, his family, and his mom, and we got to know him very well.”

Sukh Pannu was a hardworking father, whose life was tragically altered after being involved in a horrifying auto accident that left him paralyzed forever. Sukh was driving his Land Rover on the freeway, when the defendant’s car careened into Sukh’s SUV, causing the car to flip and crush the roof.

“We got the case, and we knew that the young man that changed lanes was partially at fault. But we also realized there was something far more insidious here, a vehicle that looked like a fortress, sold like it was a fortress, but it was really a matchbox.”

“So, what we sued Land Rover for having a defectively designed vehicle, in that it had a high propensity to rollover – because of its narrow track and high center of gravity – and that its roof structure was too weak. Meaning that if you took that car and just turned it upside down and dropped it one foot, the roof would crush in and kill or seriously maim its occupants, especially those on the near side, or the driver’s side in this case, of the vehicle.”


Sukh Pannu never thought he'd need the services of our law firm. But when disaster struck, he was reassured knowing that he had us on his side. If the unthinkable happens to you or a loved one, you don't want to delay justice.
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