Pannu V. Land Rover (2011) — Focus Highlight 3

“I remember, you know, Garo came by the house when he was explaining how, like, how, like they were trying to figure out the diagram of how the accident happened. And he did like a little diagram of showing us how it happened. Cause we didn’t understand. He was very, again hands-on and I was a kid. So it’s like to see an attorney be so like wanting to show me not being like, oh, I don’t want to, I’m not gonna waste my time with, you know, teaching a, you know 15 year old kid. I’m going to be focused on talking to her dad. You know, she’s actually showing how the diagram worked. You know, it’s a very personal experience. You know, I feel like I, again, Garo was very, he’s not like going to treat you like just anybody you know, he’s he actually cares.”

The reprehensible lifelong damages that were caused to the Pannu family can never be reversed.

“I’ve realized like, if that happened to me I think about that. I go, if that happened to me, what would I do? I really don’t know how he can still be so happy everyday.“

But in the end, after a long and hard fought battle the case prevailed at trial.

“However, it didn’t end there because we have to go through an appeal. And the appeal lasted a couple of years. And we had a appellate decision in our favor which is being cited by law firms all over the country. We were successful in obtaining a verdict of over $25 million for six injuries”

Today, Mr. Sukh and his family are thankful for the firm’s diligence and hard work, which resulted in a lifetime of financial support and medical care for Mr. Pannu and his family.


Sukh Pannu never thought he'd need the services of our law firm. But when disaster struck, he was reassured knowing that he had us on his side. If the unthinkable happens to you or a loved one, you don't want to delay justice.
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