Doe V. County Of Los Angeles (2019) – Focus Highlight 3

“Garo and Armen both showed us the models and all of the materials that had been made for the case. We were all set to go to trial, and we were able to see the quality of the material that was produced. We also got to see Garo and Armen in action, negotiating for us, and it really felt like they were there to take care of us. That day specifically seeing everything and then seeing both of them in action. It was astounding, honestly”.

By building an invincible case through the use of numerous expert interviews and 3D models, the firm showed the defense that they were ready to win, and reached a settlement of $42,200,000. To this day, this is the highest settlement for a single plaintiff against Los Angeles County.

“To summarize, the total lost earnings capacity and value of future medical expenses is as follows:

  • The lost earnings capacity component present valued is $14,456,500.
  • The present value of the Life Care Plan is $6,342,043.

For a grand total of $20,888,543. It is important to note that I have not included any past medical expenses nor any past loss of earnings capacity. And I have not included any general damages in my calculations”.

Despite the large settlement, the Mardirossian Akaragian firm’s primary goal was to facilitate a better life for the plaintiff and his family.

“We had constant communication with both Armen and Garo and all of their staff. We were invited to the office several times a year to be able to go over things. It’s actually been a really good experience working with Mardirossian Akaragian. We felt like, for lack of a better word, like we were a family and we felt very well taken care of throughout the entire process”.


John Doe and his family never thought they'd need the services of our law firm. But when disaster struck, they were reassured knowing that we were on their side. If the unthinkable happens to you or a loved one, you don't want to delay justice.
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